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Remote Learning
Helping Your Child at Home
At Stapleford Abbotts Primary Academy we like to learn in a variety of ways, so as well as the rich curriculum offered here, we actively encourage our pupils to engage in learning at home either independently or with a family member. Listed below are a number of high quality websites which support our school curriculum to be accessed at home.
Reading at home
Reading with your child at home hugely helps them to read with confidence and fluency. Our RWI programme in KS1 teaches our children the phonetic skills needed for early reading. Please talk to your child's class teacher for more advice and read the following booklet for helpful hints and tips to make the home reading experience an enjoyable one.
Please find below useful websites to support your children at home.
White Rose Education has online maths lessons for all year groups. Every lesson comes with a short video showing you clearly and simply how to help your child complete the activity successfully.
The Oak National Academy website has fantastic resources on their website for all year groups from reception to year 6 - including video lessons and quizzes.