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Inspiring Success for all

We are a small, happy and successful school that combines high academic expectations with a child-centred approach where every child is valued for their own unique personality, abilities and talents.  We believe in INSPIRING SUCCESS FOR ALL and know all children can be successful learners irrelevant of their starting points and we value what every child can bring to their learning.

Through a research based curriculum we offer first-class education enabling all children to become confident, successful, resilient and independent. Staff create a high performing and inspirational learning experience, where our children embrace a love of learning and are motivated to succeed.

Teaching and Learning

We have an unrelenting focus on teaching and learning. Every teacher, teaching assistant, administrator and technician is focused on improving the learning opportunities for our children. We are confident that we can give your child the skills to become lifelong independent learners and give them the best possible platform to prepare them for university, college and twenty-first century life.

Outstanding green spaces

Our children enjoy the most stunning outside learning environment which backs onto farmland and offers a rich learning environment that is truly beautiful and offers the children a huge area to play in as well as extending and deepening their learning. 

It also provides the setting for our Forest School learning, a play-based and learner-centred outdoor learning that nurtures an understanding and respect for nature.  Each child is given the opportunity to manage risks, explore what intrigues them, solve problems related to their interest and gain a range of skills in the natural environment. 

Highlights from Our OFSTED report (Jan 2022)

  • Children wear their uniform with pride’
  • ‘Teachers have high expectations of pupils in both learning and behaviour’
  • ‘Pupils try very hard’
  • ‘They are motivated by the possibility of wearing a cape (of Success) or medal to show that they have demonstrated key learning behaviours such as ‘independence’ and 'drive'
  • ‘Methods for teaching reading across the school are highly consistent’
  • ‘Pupils enjoy reading’
  • ‘Leaders identify the essential knowledge and content that pupils should be taught in each subject’
  • ‘Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) have their needs identified, planned for and met. Consequently, they progress through the curriculum alongside others’
  • ‘In EYFS, children are active participants in their learning’
  • ‘Pupils are taught about being respectful and tolerant’