Meet the Team

Who's who at Stapleford Abbotts Primary School?

Senior Leadership Team
Headteacher and Safeguarding Lead Mrs Tait
Deputy Headteacher, ACE Lead and Deputy Safeguarding Lead Mrs Jay
SENCO/KS2 Phase leader and Deputy Safeguarding Lead Miss Wreford
Key Stage 1 and Phonics lead Mrs Wilkins
School Business Manager Mr Sheard
Teaching Staff
Acorns Deputy Preschool Manager/Preschool teacher Miss McCarthy
EYFS Lead/Reception teacher Miss Lynch (Willow Class)
Year 1 and 2 teachers Mrs Wilkins and Mrs Courtnell (Cherry Class)
Year 2 and 3 teacher Miss Lipson (Sycamore Class)
Year 3 and 4 teacher Mrs Francis and Mrs Jay (Ash Class)
Year 5 and 6 teacher Miss Wreford (Oak Class)
Support Staff
Miss Rose (Acorn Class)
Mrs Carle (Acorn Class)
Mrs Beddoe (Willow Class)
Mrs Brock (Cherry Class)
Mrs Raha (Cherry Class)
Mrs Hunter (Sycamore Class)
Mrs Hagerty (Ash Class)
Mrs Pegrum (Oak Class)
Mrs Curran (HLTA)
Mrs Daley (MDA)
Office and Site Staff
Regional Business Manager Mr Sheard
Office Manager Miss McCarthy
Office Support Miss Khan
Caretaker Mr Hennessy
Regional Site Manager Mr Neary
Caterlink Catering Staff
School cook Mrs Kingston