Ofsted Reports

Highlights from Our OFSTED report (Jan 2022)

  • Children wear their uniform with pride’
  • ‘Teachers have high expectations of pupils in both learning and behaviour’
  • ‘Pupils try very hard’
  • ‘They are motivated by the possibility of wearing a cape (of Success) or medal to show that they have demonstrated key learning behaviours such as ‘independence’ and 'drive'
  • ‘Methods for teaching reading across the school are highly consistent’
  • ‘Pupils enjoy reading’
  • ‘Leaders identify the essential knowledge and content that pupils should be taught in each subject’
  • ‘Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) have their needs identified, planned for and met. Consequently, they progress through the curriculum alongside others’
  • ‘In EYFS, children are active participants in their learning’
  • ‘Pupils are taught about being respectful and tolerant’

Please see our full Ofsted Report below.

Ofsted Report 2022